TM Full Form
A trademark is a word, phrase, symbol or design, or a combination thereof, that identifies and distinguishes the source of the goods of one party from those of others. ™ (the letters TM written in superscript style), is a symbol used to provide notice that the preceding mark is a trademark. Use of this symbol does not mean that the trademark has been registered. Registered trademarks are indicated using the Registered trademark symbol (®).
Short Form | TM |
Full Form | Trademark |
Category | Business > Patents & Trademarks |
Country | Worldwide |
Popularity | |
Other Full Form Of TM
S.No. | Short Form | Full Form | Category | Country | Popularity |
1 |
TM |
Trademark |
Business > Patents & Trademarks |
Worldwide |
2 |
TM |
Telekom Malaysia |
Business > Companies & Corporations |
Malaysia |
3 |
TM |
Thematic Mapper |
Academic & Science > Astronomy & Space Science |
Worldwide |
4 |
TM |
Translation Memory |
Computing > Databases |
Worldwide |
5 |
TM |
Transcendental Meditation |
Medical > Alternative Medicine |
Worldwide |
Other Full Form list in same category - Alternative Medicine
S.No. | Short Form | Full Form | Country | Popularity |
1 |
Video Audio Intelligent Organizer |
Worldwide |
2 |
Pentium |
Name Pentium is originally derived from the Greek word pente, meaning ‘five’ |
Worldwide |
3 |
TM |
Trademark |
Worldwide |
4 |
International Patent Classification |
Worldwide |
5 |
WD-40 |
Water Displacement, 40th formula |
Worldwide |
6 |
Parle-G |
Parle form ‘Parle village’ and G stood for ‘Glucose’ or ‘Genius’ |
India |
7 |
Radio Base Station |
Worldwide |
8 |
Totally No Noise |
Worldwide |
9 |
IP |
Intellectual property |
Worldwide |
10 |
Exclusive Marketing Right |
India |
11 |
Prosecution History Estoppel |
United States |
12 |
BlackBerry |
the name comes from the buttons on the device, which resembles a group of seeds |
Worldwide |
13 |
Controller General of Patents Designs and Trademarks |
India |
14 |
Intent to Use |
Worldwide |