【103 FREE】High Energy & Particle Physics eBooks Download (pdf, ePub, doc, html)

Are you looking for High Energy & Particle Physics free ebooks? If Yes, then you have reached at right place because this page has a collection of High Energy & Particle Physics free ebooks list. We have collected these official available High Energy & Particle Physics free ebooks from internet and listed on our ebook directory portal so that you can easily find some best free ebooks for High Energy & Particle Physics. Following are the list of free e-books and guides on High Energy & Particle Physics, some of the resources in this section can be viewed online and some of them can be downloaded.

#1. AdS/CFT Duality User Guide
- By Makoto Natsuume | 2014 | 279 pp | 3.7MB | PDF
#2. Advanced Topics in Effective Field Theory
- By Andrew E. Blechman | 2008 | 77 pages | 530KB | PDF
#3. Anisotropic Hydrodynamics
- By Michael Strickland | 2014 | 46 pp | 3MB | PDF
#4. Applied Conformal Field Theory
- By Paul Ginsparg | 1988 | 90 pages | 960KB | PDF

#5. Big Bang Nucleosynthesis and Physics Beyond the Standard Model
- By Subir Sarkar | 1996 | 156 pages | 1.5MB | PDF
#6. Black Holes in Supergravity and String Theory
- By Thomas Mohaupt | 2000 | 64 pages | PDF/PS
#7. A Brief Introduction to Particle Interactions
- By Ali H. Chamseddine | 2005 | 32 pages | 270KB | PDF
#8. Charged Particle Beams
- By Stanley Humphries | 1990 | 856 pages | 33MB | PDF
#9. Chern-Simons Modified General Relativity
- By Stephon Alexander | Nicolas Yunes | 2009 | 104 pages | PS/PDF
#10. Classical Field Theory
- By Gleb Arutyunov | 2010 | 124 pages | 900KB | PDF

#11. Collider Physics
- By D. Zeppenfeld | 1999 | 48 pages | 660KB | PDF
#12. Collider Physics within the Standard Model: a Primer
- By Guido Altarelli | 2013 | 163 pp | 3.5MB | PDF
#13. Computational Studies of Quantum Spin Systems
- By Anders W. Sandvik | 2011 | 207 pages | 2.1MB | PDF
#14. Computer Tools in Particle Physics
- By Avelino Vicente | 2015 | 66 pp | 1.2MB | PDF
#15. Cosmic Rays and the Search for a Lorentz Invariance Violation
- By Wolfgang Bietenholz | 2008 | 81 pages | PS/PDF

#16. Cosmology for Particle Physicists
- By U. A. Yajnik | 2008 | 63 pages | PS/PDF
#17. D-Brane Primer
- By Clifford V. Johnson | 2000 | 222 pages | PS/PDF
#18. D-Branes, Tachyons, and String Field Theory
- By Washington Taylor | Barton Zwiebach | 2004 | 104 pages | 1MB | PDF
#19. Effective Field Theory
- By A. Pich | 1998 | 106 pages | PS/PDF
#20. Elementary Particle Physics
- By Paolo Franzini | 2002 | 237 pages | 2.5MB | PDF
#21. Elementary Particles in Physics
- By S. Gasiorowicz | P. Langacker | 2005 | 48 pp | 1.8MB | PDF
#22. Elements of QCD for Hadron Colliders
- By Gavin P. Salam | 2010 | 56 pp | 1.7MB | PDF
#23. Elements of Supersymmetry
- By Kevin Cahill | 2001 | 80 pp | 380KB | PDF
#24. Feynman Diagrams and Differential Equations
- By Mario Argeri | Pierpaolo Mastrolia | 2007 | 56 pages | 680KB | PDF
#25. Fields
- By Warren Siegel | 2005 | 885 pages | 4MB | PDF
#26. Goldstone and Pseudo-Goldstone Bosons in Nuclear, Particle and Condensed-Matter Physics
- By C.P. Burgess | 1999 | 123 pages | 740KB | PDF
#27. Hadron Models and related New Energy issues edited
- By F. Smarandache | V. Christianto | 2007 | 476 pages | 5.8MB | PDF
#28. Hadronic Matter Wikipedia, 2014, online html
#29. Hard Interactions of Quarks and Gluons: a Primer for LHC Physics
- By J.M. Campbell | J.W. Huston | W.J. Stirling | 2006 | 118 pages | PS/PDF
#30. Informal Lectures on Lattice Gauge Theory
- By Guy D. Moore | 2003 | 50 pages | 380KB | PDF
#31. An Introduction into the Feynman Path Integral
- By Christian Grosche | 1993 | 94 pages | PS/PDF
#32. Introduction to Chiral Perturbation Theory
- By S. Scherer | 2002 | 299 pages | 2MB | PDF
#33. Introduction to Collider Physics
- By Maxim Perelstein | 2010 | 47 pages | PS/PDF
#34. An Introduction to Conformal Field Theory
- By Matthias R Gaberdiel | 1999 | 69 pages | 670KB | PDF
#35. Introduction to Effective Field Theory
- By C. P. Burgess | 2007 | 55 pages | 410KB | PDF
#36. An Introduction to Heavy Mesons
- By Benjamin Grinstein | 1995 | 64 pages | 530KB | PDF
#37. Introduction to High Energy Physics
- By Dan Kabat | 2011 | 235 pp | 2.5MB | PDF
#38. Introduction to M Theory
- By Miao Li | 1999 | 76 pages | 580KB | PDF
#39. Introduction to Monte Carlo Methods
- By Stefan Weinzierl | 2000 | 47 pages | 460KB | PDF
#40. An Introduction to Non-perturbative String Theory
- By Ashoke Sen | 1998 | 130 pages | 920KB | PDF
#41. An Introduction to Quantum Gravity
- By Bryce S. DeWitt | Giampiero Esposito | 2007 | 68 pages | 530KB | PDF
#42. Introduction to Relativistic Transport Theory
- By Hendrik van Hees | 2013 | 52 pp | 350KB | PDF
#43. Introduction to Soft-Collinear Effective Theory
- By Thomas Becher | Alessandro Broggio | Andrea Ferroglia | 2014 | 166 pp | 1.5MB | PDF
#44. Introduction to String Field Theory
- By Warren Siegel | 2001 | 247 pages | PDF/PS
#45. An Introduction to String Theory
- By James Bedford | 2011 | 101 pp | 700KB | PDF
#46. Introduction to String Theory
- By Thomas Mohaupt | 2002 | 78 pages | 650KB | PDF
#47. Introduction to Supergravity
- By Horatiu Nastase | 2012 | 152 pp | 900KB | PDF
#48. Introduction to Superstring Theory
- By E. Kiritsis | 1998 | 249 pages | PS/PDF
#49. Introduction to Supersymmetry
- By Adel Bilal | 2001 | 83 pages | 580KB | PDF
#50. Introduction to Supersymmetry
- By Neil Lambert | 2011 | 49 pp | 370KB | PDF
#51. Introduction to the Standard Model and Electroweak Physics
- By Paul Langacker | 2009 | 45 pages | 860KB | PDF
#52. Introduction to the Standard Model of the Electro-Weak Interactions
- By Jean Iliopoulos | 2013 | 44 pp | 430KB | PDF
#53. An Introduction to Universality and Renormalization Group Techniques
- By Alessandro Sfondrini | 2012 | 72 pp | 1.2MB | PDF
#54. Lattice QCD: concepts, techniques and some results
- By Christian Hoelbling | 2014 | 65 pp | 8.5MB | PDF
#55. Lectures On Black Hole Evaporation and Information Loss
- By Thomas Banks | 1994 | 65 pages | PDF/PS
#56. Lectures on Black Holes, Topological Strings and Quantum Attractors
- By Boris Pioline | 2007 | 103 pages | 810KB | PDF
#57. Lectures on String Theory
- By Gleb Arutyunov | 2009 | 142 pages | 900KB | PDF
#58. Lectures on Supersymmetry Breaking
- By Kenneth Intriligator | Nathan Seiberg | 2007 | 47 pp | 440KB | PDF
#59. Lectures on the Theory of the Weak Interaction
- By Michael E. Peskin | 2017 | 96 pp | 18MB | PDF
#60. Les Houches Lectures on Black Holes
- By Andy Strominger | 1995 | 70 pages | PDF/PS
#61. Lessons in Particle Physics
- By Luis Anchordoqui | Francis Halzen | 2009 | 209 pages | PS/PDF
#62. Loop Quantum Gravity: An Inside View
- By Thomas Thiemann | 2006 | 58 pages | 780KB | PDF
#63. The Meson Factories
- By T.E.O. Ericson | V.W. Hughes | D.E. Nagle | 1991
#64. Neutrino masses and mixings and...
- By Alessandro Strumia | Francesco Vissani | 2010 | 248 pages | 4.3MB | PDF
#65. Neutrino Physics
- By R. D. Peccei | 1999 | 45 pages | 500KB | PDF
#66. Neutrino Physics Overview
- By J. W. F. Valle | 2006 | 43 pages | 600KB | PDF
#67. Neutron Scattering
- By Waldemar Alfredo Monteiro (ed.) | 2016 | 156 pp | multiple PDF files
#68. Non-Abelian Discrete Symmetries in Particle Physics
- By Hajime Ishimori | at al. 2010 | 179 pages | 1.2MB | PDF
#69. Nuclear and Particle Physics
- By Niels Walet | 2003 | 78 pages | 2.8MB | PDF
#70. Particle Physics edited
- By Eugene Kennedy | 2012 | 114 pp | 2.3MB | PDF
#71. Particle Physics 1
- By Marcel Merk | 2011 | 149 pp | 1.5MB | PDF
#72. Particle Physics Aspects of Modern Cosmology
- By Robert H. Brandenberger | 1997 | 70 pages | 600KB | PDF
#73. The Particle World of Condensed Matter
- By Helmut Eschrig | 2004 | 170 pp | 880KB | PDF
#74. Particles of the Standard Model Wikipedia, 2014, online html
#75. The Physics of Neutrinos
- By R.Z. Funchal | B. Schmauch | G. Giesen | 2013 | 67 pp | 2.4MB | PDF
#76. Physics Searches at the LHC
- By David E. Morrissey | Tilman Plehn | Tim M.P. Tait | 2010 | 184 pages | 3.4MB | PDF
#77. Principles of Charged Particle Acceleration
- By Stanley Humphries | 1999 | 593 pages | 11MB | PDF
#78. Proceedings of the 2009 CERN-Latin-American School of High-Energy Physics edited
- By C. Grojean | M. Spiropulu | 2010 | 572 pages | 45MB | PDF
#79. Quantum Chromodynamics and Hadrons: an Elementary Introduction
- By Alexander Khodjamirian | 2003 | 52 pp | 630KB | PDF
#80. Quantum Chromodynamics and Statistical Physics
- By Stephane Munier | 2014 | 58 pp | 2.1MB | PDF
#81. Quantum Field Theory, Black Holes and Holography
- By Chethan Krishnan | 2010 | 112 pages | 990KB | PDF
#82. Quarks: An Overview Wikipedia, 2014, online html
#83. Review of Particle Physics 2008
- By L. Alvarez-Gaume | 1340 pages | 38MB | PDF
#84. Searching for the Higgs Boson
- By D. Rainwater | 2007 | 81 pages | 1.8MB | PDF
#85. The Standard Model
- By Thomas Teubner | 2008 | 95 pages | 580KB | PDF
#86. String Theory
- By David Tong | 2009
#87. String Theory, part 2
- By Maximilian Kreuzer | 2009 | 90 pages | PDF
#88. String Theory
- By Neil Lambert | 2010 | 47 pp | 280KB | PDF
#89. String Theory and Branes
- By Neil Lambert | 2010 | 55 pp | 310KB | PDF
#90. String Theory and the Path to Unification
- By Keith R. Dienes | 1997 | 104 pages | 1.4MB | PDF
#91. Structure Functions
- By A. De Roeck | R.S. Thorne | 2011 | 72 pages | 2.7MB | PDF
#92. Superspace or One Thousand and One Lessons in Supersymmetry
- By S.J. Gates Jr | M.T. Grisaru | M. Rocek | W. Siegel | 2001
#93. Superstring Theory universe-review.ca, 2008
#94. Supersymmetry
- By Neil Lambert | 2008 | 55 pp | 300KB | PDF
#95. Supersymmetry and Gauge Theory
- By Neil Lambert | 2011 | 54 pp | 410KB | PDF
#96. Supersymmetry and the MSSM: An Elementary Introduction
- By Ian J R Aitchison | 2005 | 159 pp | 1.2MB | PDF
#97. Supersymmetry in Particle Physics: An Elementary Introduction
- By Ian J. R. Aitchison | 2007 | 257 pp | 2.1MB | PDF
#98. TASI lectures on black holes in string theory
- By Amanda W. Peet | 2000 | 80 pages | PDF/PS
#99. Topological Strings and their Physical Applications
- By Andrew Neitzke | Cumrun Vafa | 2005 | 82 pages | 860KB | PDF
#100. Unification in One Dimension
- By David J. Jackson | 2016 | 498 pp | 3.6MB | PDF
#101. VLHC Accelerator Physics
- By M. Blaskiewicz | et al. | 2001 | 116 pp | 2.3MB | PDF
#102. What is String Theory?
- By Joseph Polchinski | 1994 | 154 pages | PS/PDF
#103. Yang Mills model of interacting particles in the classical field theory
- By Jean Claude Dutailly | 2011 | 187 pp | 1.2MB | PDF

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