Nucleus Accumbens (NAc or NAcc) is a region in the forebrain below the corpus striatum. NAc is a brain structure that is part of the pleasure and reward system.
Short Form | NAc |
Full Form | Nucleus Accumbens |
Category | Medical > Anatomy & Physiology |
Country | Worldwide |
Popularity |
S.No. | Short Form | Full Form | Category | Country | Popularity |
1 | NAC | National Arts Centre | Regional > Buildings & Landmarks | Canada | |
2 | NAC | National Academy of Construction | Academic & Science > Universities & Institutions | India | |
3 | NAC | Network Access Control | Computing > Networking | Worldwide | |
4 | NAC | N-Acetylcysteine | Medical > Medicines & Drugs | Worldwide | |
5 | NAC | N-Acetylcarnosine | Medical > Medicines & Drugs | Worldwide | |
6 | NAC | National Arts Club | Associations & Organizations > Regional Organizations | United States | |
7 | NAC | National Arts Council | Governmental > Departments & Agencies | Singapore | |
8 | NAC | Narodowe Archiwum Cyfrowe Polish [National Digital Archives] | Governmental > Documents & Certificates | Poland | |
9 | NAC | National Airways Corporation | Business > Companies & Corporations | South Africa | |
10 | NAC | Nauru Air Corporation | Business > Companies & Corporations | Nauru | |
11 | NAC | National Airways Corporation | Business > Companies & Corporations | New Zealand | |
12 | NAC | Northern Air Cargo | Transport & Travel > Airline Codes | United States | |
13 | NAC | Nanjing Automobile Corporation | Business > Companies & Corporations | China | |
14 | NAC | National Abortion Campaign | Associations & Organizations > Regional Organizations | United Kingdom | |
15 | NAC | Nowra Anglican College | Academic & Science > Universities & Institutions | Australia | |
16 | NAC | Nunavut Arctic College | Academic & Science > Universities & Institutions | Canada | |
17 | NAC | National Advisory Council | Governmental > Departments & Agencies | India | |
18 | NAC | Naturist Action Committee | Associations & Organizations > Regional Organizations | United States | |
19 | NAC | New Agenda Coalition | Associations & Organizations > International Orgaizations | Worldwide | |
20 | NAC | North Atlantic Council | Associations & Organizations > International Orgaizations | Worldwide | |
21 | NAC | Nyasaland African Congress | Governmental > Politics | Malawi | |
22 | NAC | Native American Church | Society & Culture > Religion & Spirituality | Worldwide | |
23 | NAC | New Apostolic Church | Society & Culture > Religion & Spirituality | Worldwide | |
24 | NAC | Neepawa Access Community | News & Entertainment > TV & Radio | Canada | |
25 | NAC | Newspaper Agency Corporation | Business > Companies & Corporations | United States | |
26 | NAC | Natural Area Code | Technology > General | Worldwide | |
27 | NAC | Network Admission Control | Computing > Networking | Worldwide | |
28 | NAC | North Atlantic Current | Academic & Science > Ocean Science | Worldwide | |
29 | NAc | Nucleus Accumbens | Medical > Anatomy & Physiology | Worldwide | |
30 | NAC | NOAD ADVENDO Combinatie | Associations & Organizations > Sports & Recreation Organizations | Netherlands | |
31 | NAC | National Aquatic Centre | Regional > Buildings & Landmarks | Ireland | |
32 | NAC | North Atlantic Conference | Associations & Organizations > Conferences & Events | United States | |
33 | NAC | Notified Area Council | Governmental > Law & Legal | India | |
34 | NAC | National Agency Check | Governmental > Security & Defence | United States | |
35 | NAC | Nursing Assistant Certified | Academic & Science > Courses | United States | |
36 | NAC | Nickel Asia Corporation | Business > Companies & Corporations | Philippines |
S.No. | Short Form | Full Form | Country | Popularity |
1 | ABR | Auditory Brainstem Response | Worldwide | |
2 | ANS | Autonomic Nervous System | Worldwide | |
3 | BP | Blood Pressure | Worldwide | |
4 | IQ | Intelligence Quotient | Worldwide | |
5 | ORS | Oral Rehydration Solution | Worldwide | |
6 | RNA | Ribonucleic Acid | Worldwide | |
7 | SAD | Seasonal Affective Disorder | Worldwide | |
8 | WBC | White Blood Cell | Worldwide | |
9 | UTI | Urinary Tract Infection | Worldwide | |
10 | FBS | Fetal Bovine Serum | Worldwide | |
11 | ChAT | Choline AcetylTransferase | Worldwide | |
12 | IVF | Intervertebral Foramen | Worldwide | |
13 | RCx | Ramus Circumflexus | Worldwide | |
14 | HGF | Hepatocyte Growth Factor | Worldwide | |
15 | RCA | Right Coronary Artery | Worldwide | |
16 | AuD | Doctor of Audiology | Worldwide | |
17 | PVC | Premature Ventricular Contraction | Worldwide | |
18 | REM | Rapid Eye Movement | Worldwide | |
19 | ADMA | Asymmetric dimethylarginine | Worldwide | |
20 | CCMD | Committee on Cardiovascular and Metabolic Diseases | Worldwide | |
21 | MCP | MetaCarpophalangeal Joint | Worldwide | |
22 | CSF | Cerebrospinal Fluid | Worldwide | |
23 | HELP | Heat Escape Lessening Position | Worldwide | |
24 | PRP | Platelet-Rich Plasma | Worldwide | |
25 | RAS | Renin-Angiotensin System | Worldwide | |
26 | RAS | Reticular Activating System | Worldwide | |
27 | DC | Dendritic Cell | Worldwide | |
28 | PROM | Passive Range of Motion | Worldwide | |
29 | WBCs | White Blood Cells | Worldwide | |
30 | Abs | Abdominals | Worldwide | |
31 | SBP | Systolic Blood Pressure | Worldwide | |
32 | PMT | Premenstrual Tension | Worldwide | |
33 | PBS | Positive Behavior Support | Worldwide | |
34 | PA | Pulmonary Artery | Worldwide | |
35 | Psy | Psychology | Worldwide | |
36 | SCM | Sternocleidomastoid | Worldwide | |
37 | VPN | Ventral Posterior Nucleus | Worldwide | |
38 | AO | Atlanto-Occipital | Worldwide | |
39 | RSA | Respiratory Sinus Arrhythmia | Worldwide | |
40 | BMC | Bone Marrow Cells | Worldwide | |
41 | VRS | Virchow–Robin spaces | Worldwide | |
42 | ACh | Acetylcholine | Worldwide | |
43 | IRS | Insulin Receptor Substrate | Worldwide | |
44 | CPP | Cerebral Perfusion Pressure | Worldwide | |
45 | CPP | Central Precocious Puberty | Worldwide | |
46 | FGM | Female Genital Mutilation | Worldwide | |
47 | PM | Pain Management | Worldwide | |
48 | PFC | Prefrontal Cortex | Worldwide | |
49 | WL | Weight Loss | Worldwide | |
50 | SC | Stratum Corneum | Worldwide | |
51 | SC | Superior Colliculus | Worldwide | |
52 | SC | Sternoclavicular joint | Worldwide | |
53 | CSR | Class Switch Recombination | Worldwide | |
54 | BF | Blood Flow | Worldwide | |
55 | WPB | Weibel-Palade Bodies | Worldwide | |
56 | RER | Respiratory Exchange Ratio | Worldwide | |
57 | RER | Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum | Worldwide | |
58 | Ph | Philadelphia Chromosome | Worldwide | |
59 | ABP | Arterial Blood Pressure | Worldwide | |
60 | NPC | Nuclear Pore Complex | Worldwide | |
61 | PT | Physical Training | Worldwide | |
62 | ER | Endoplasmic Reticulum | Worldwide | |
63 | WAT | White Adipose Tissue | Worldwide | |
64 | FDC | Follicular Dendritic Cell | Worldwide | |
65 | SR | Superior Rectus | Worldwide | |
66 | LC | Locus Coeruleus | Worldwide | |
67 | TIL | Tumor Infiltrating Lymphocytes | Worldwide | |
68 | ICF | Intracellular Fluid | Worldwide | |
69 | APR | Acute Phase Response | Worldwide | |
70 | PLC | Phospholipase C | Worldwide | |
71 | A | Blood Type A | Worldwide | |
72 | APP | Abdominal Perfusion Pressure | Worldwide | |
73 | VS | Ventral Striatum | Worldwide | |
74 | MAR | Matrix Attachment Region | Worldwide | |
75 | SREBP | Sterol Response Element Binding Protein | Worldwide | |
76 | EGA | Estimated Gestational Age | Worldwide | |
77 | SHM | Somatic Hypermutation | Worldwide | |
78 | GC | Germinal Centre | Worldwide | |
79 | TX | Caspase-4 | Worldwide | |
80 | NES | Nuclear Export Signal | Worldwide | |
81 | BBB | Blood–Brain Barrier | Worldwide | |
82 | POA | Preoptic Area | Worldwide | |
83 | Rh | Rhesus factor | Worldwide | |
84 | Antigen | Antibody Generator | Worldwide | |
85 | RH | Releasing Hormone | Worldwide | |
86 | SHA | Superior Hypophyseal Artery | Worldwide | |
87 | PR | Prosthion | Worldwide | |
88 | MGF | Mechano Growth Factor | Worldwide | |
89 | SO | Superior Oblique | Worldwide | |
90 | PGP | Pelvic Girdle Pain | Worldwide | |
91 | AP | Action Potential | Worldwide | |
92 | BS | Brain stem | Worldwide | |
93 | TGIF | Transforming Growth Interacting Factor | Worldwide | |
94 | LT | Lactate Threshold | Worldwide | |
95 | AB | Blood Type AB | Worldwide | |
96 | Ab | Antibody | Worldwide | |
97 | PRC | Phase Response Curve | Worldwide | |
98 | ASST | Autologous Serum Skin Test | Worldwide | |
99 | ANS | Adrenergic Nervous System | Worldwide | |
100 | ERP | Effective Refractory Period | Worldwide | |
101 | ERP | Event-Related Potential | Worldwide | |
102 | IAS | Internal Anal Sphincter | Worldwide | |
103 | PVR | Pulmonary Vascular Resistance | Worldwide | |
104 | GI | Gastrointestinal | Worldwide | |
105 | pDC | Plasmacytoid Dendritic Cell | Worldwide | |
106 | APL | Abductor Pollicis Longus | Worldwide | |
107 | NAc | Nucleus Accumbens | Worldwide | |
108 | VO2 max | derived from V (Volume) + O2 (Oxygen) + max (maximum) | Worldwide | |
109 | OFC | Orbitofrontal Cortex | Worldwide | |
110 | PMS | Premenstrual Syndrome | Worldwide | |
111 | LPA | Left Pulmonary Artery | Worldwide | |
112 | VR | Venous Return | Worldwide | |
113 | CPA | Cerebellopontine angle | Worldwide | |
114 | MG | Michaelis–Gutmann | Worldwide | |
115 | SI | Sacroiliac | Worldwide | |
116 | SI | Small Intestine | Worldwide | |
117 | SI | Substantia Innominata | Worldwide | |
118 | EPC | Endothelial Progenitor Cell | Worldwide |