The Secret Of The Australian Desert by Ernest Favenc

The Secret Of The Australian Desert

The Secret Of The Australian Desert by Ernest Favenc
Publisher: Blackie 1895
ISBN/ASIN: 1436517591
Number of pages: 256
Although the interior of the continent of Australia is singularly deficient in the more picturesque elements of romance, it was, for nearly two-thirds of a century, a most attractive lure to men of adventurous character. Oxley, Sturt, Mitchell, Kennedy, and Stuart have left deathless names on the roll of Australian explorers, but the unknown fate of Ludwig Leichhardt has always centered most of the romance of story about his memory. This great mystery of Australian exploration is the groundwork of the story. The descriptions of the physical features of the country are faithful records from personal experience.
Literature & Fiction Genre Fiction Action & Adventure Travel Australia

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