The Great Navigators of the Eighteenth Century by Jules Verne
Publisher: Duckworth Publishers 1880
ISBN/ASIN: 0715630865
Number of pages: 678
In this this work of non-fiction Verne recounts the voyages of various European navigators, such as Alexander Selkirk (Robinson Crusoe), Captain Cook and de Bougainville to all parts of the globe. Verne clearly researched his subject in order to assemble detailed accounts of the explorers' climactic, navigational and health hazards, and their discoveries of flora and fauna. The manners, customs and costumes of native inhabitants are elaborately described. Illustrated with maps and engravings of navigators and natives, locations and animals, the book provides a wealth of historical information as well conveying the sense of adventure enjoyed by the explorers.
Travel Essays & Travelogues History World Expeditions & Discoveries Literature & Fiction Genre Fiction Action & Adventure Jules Verne