Discovering Information Systems by Jean-Paul Van Belle, Jane Nash, Mike Eccles
Publisher: Global Text Project 2003
Number of pages: 175
This text consists of thirteen chapters, which have been grouped into four sections: (1) What is Information Systems? These three chapters describe the role of information systems in modern organisations, and explain the underlying concepts of "information" and "systems" in some detail. (2) IS Technologies. These four chapters provide an overview of the basic technologies that are found in all computer-based information systems: computer hardware, software, communications systems and databases. (3) IS Applications. These three chapters examine in some detail how information systems are used to support and enhance business processes, at all levels of the organisation and in linking organisations with their customers and suppliers. We also consider some wider societal concerns such as ethics. (4) IS Management. An information system does not simply appear out of nowhere; it needs to be planned, developed and maintained using well tested management iv principles. Issues ranging from software and hardware acquisition to disaster recovery are discussed in these three chapters.
Computers & Internet Computer Science Information Science