Capillary Fluid Exchange: Regulation, Functions, and Pathology by J. Scallan, V. H. Huxley, R. J. Korthuis

Capillary Fluid Exchange: Regulation, Functions, and Pathology

Capillary Fluid Exchange: Regulation, Functions, and Pathology by J. Scallan, V. H. Huxley, R. J. Korthuis
Publisher: Morgan & Claypool Life Sciences 2010
ISBN/ASIN: 1615040668
ISBN-13: 9781615040667
Number of pages: 94
The aims of this treatise are to summarize our current understanding of the factors involved in the regulation of transcapillary fluid movement, how fluid movements across the endothelial barrier and through the interstitium and lymphatic vessels influence cell function and behavior, and the pathophysiology of edema formation.
Medicine Internal Medicine Cardiology Physiology

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