An introductory treatise on the lunar theory by Ernest W Brown

An introductory treatise on the lunar theory

An introductory treatise on the lunar theory by Ernest W Brown
Publisher: Cambridge University Press 1896
Number of pages: 312
A high level mathematical exposition of the motion of our Moon. In order to understand the lunar theory, some acquaintance with the older methods is desirable. In the following pages, an attempt has been made to supply a want in this direction, by giving the general principles underlying the methods of treatment, together with an account of the manner in which they have been applied in the theories of Laplace, de Pontcoulant, Hansen, Delaunay, and in the new method with rectangular coordinates. The explanation of these methods, and not the actual results obtained from them, having been my chief aim, only those portions of the developments and expansions, required for the fulfilment of this object, have been given.
Science Astronomy Celestial Mechanics

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