America Entangled: The Persian Gulf Crisis and Its Consequences by Ted Galen Carpenter (ed.)

America Entangled: The Persian Gulf Crisis and Its Consequences

America Entangled: The Persian Gulf Crisis and Its Consequences by Ted Galen Carpenter (ed.)
Publisher: Cato Institute 1991
ISBN/ASIN: 0932790852
ISBN-13: 9780932790859
Number of pages: 132
Despite the United States' quick military victory, many disturbing questions remain about our involvement in the Persian Gulf region. Instead of being swept away by the notion that the Persian Gulf War heralds an era of prolonged, unquestioned U.S. dominance in world affairs, Americans should soberly address that war and its implications. The contributors to this book believe there must be a full national debate on the rationale for America's new world order and on the costs and risks of that strategy.
Nonfiction Politics Middle East

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