e.bdir.in contains the list of 14,000+ FullForm or Abbreviations which approach to shorten words or a group of words so that it can be quoted conveniently at places without the hassle of writing long and cumbersome words. Generally it consists of bringing together the first letter of each individual word of a group of words. For example British Broadcasting Corporation can be easily written as BBC. Normally the words which are used more frequently tend to develop short forms of themselves and later known from short forms only.
S.No. | Short Form | Full Form | Category | Country | Popularity |
33001 | DAD | Development Assistance Database | Computing > Internet | Worldwide | |
33002 | AIFF | Audio Interchange File Format | Computing > File Extensions | Worldwide | |
33003 | BPEd | Bachelor of Physical Education | Academic & Science > Academic Degrees | Worldwide | |
33004 | BIDS | Biological Integrated Detection System | Governmental > Military | Worldwide | |
33005 | MHRD | Ministry of Human Resource Development | Governmental > Departments & Agencies | India | |
33006 | IGP | Integrated Graphics Processor | Technology > Display & Graphics | Worldwide | |
33007 | MPSC | Michigan Public Service Commission | Governmental > Departments & Agencies | United States | |
33008 | CRP | Conference Room Pilot | Computing > Programming & Development | Worldwide | |
33009 | MRE | Master of Religious Education | Academic & Science > Academic Degrees | Worldwide | |
33010 | JPS | Japan Professional Photographers Society | Associations & Organizations > Professional Associations | Japan | |
33011 | RTI | Radio Taiwan International | News & Entertainment > TV & Radio | China | |
33012 | CGL | Central Gem Laboratory | Academic & Science > Geology | Japan | |
33013 | CUC | Communication University of China | Academic & Science > Universities & Institutions | China | |
33014 | PRP | Potentially Responsible Party | Governmental > Policies & Programs | United States | |
33015 | OMG | Object Management Group | Associations & Organizations > Technological Organizations | Worldwide | |
33016 | OMG | Ocular Myasthenia Gravis | Medical > Diseases & Conditions | Worldwide | |
33017 | RAS | Renin-Angiotensin System | Medical > Anatomy & Physiology | Worldwide | |
33018 | ASF | Apache Software Foundation | Associations & Organizations > Technological Organizations | Worldwide | |
33019 | BED | Binge Eating Disorder | Medical > Diseases & Conditions | Worldwide | |
33020 | PDVD | PowerDVD | Computing > Sofware & Applications | Worldwide | |
33021 | ISIC | International Standard Industrial Classification | Business > Business Terms | Worldwide | |
33022 | COBOL | COmmon Business-Oriented Language | Computing > Programming Languages | Worldwide | |
33023 | BDA | Battle Damage Assessment | Governmental > Military | Worldwide | |
33024 | GMAT | General Mission Analysis Tool | Academic & Science > Astronomy & Space Science | Worldwide | |
33025 | ETC | Electronic Theatre Controls | Business > Companies & Corporations | United States | |
33026 | JMI | Japan Market Intelligence | Business > Companies & Corporations | Japan | |
33027 | NRC | Noise Reduction Coefficient | Academic & Science > Units | Worldwide | |
33028 | GSFC | Goddard Space Flight Center | Academic & Science > Astronomy & Space Science | United States | |
33029 | INR | Institute of National Remembrance | Academic & Science > Research & Development | Poland | |
33030 | ADA | American Diabetes Association | Associations & Organizations > Religious Organizations | United States | |
33031 | ADA | American Dental Association | Associations & Organizations > Medical Organizations | United States | |
33032 | EPF | Eye Protection Factor | Academic & Science > Units | Worldwide | |
33033 | PF | Palestinian Airlines | Transport & Travel > Airport Codes | Worldwide | |
33034 | KSA | Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities | Business > Business Terms | Worldwide | |
33035 | EFS | Encrypting File System | Computing > Security | Worldwide | |
33036 | ISOC | Internal Security Operations Command | Governmental > Military | Thailand | |
33037 | TNN | Transactions on Neural Networks | News & Entertainment > Journals & Publications | Worldwide | |
33038 | TNN | Totally No Noise | Business > Patents & Trademarks | Worldwide | |
33039 | DC | Deputy Commissioner | Governmental > Titles | India | |
33040 | MBA | Mombasa International Airport | Transport & Travel > Airport Codes | Kenya | |
33041 | AMC | American Movie Classics | News & Entertainment > TV & Radio | United States | |
33042 | AMC | Asian Migrant Centre | Associations & Organizations > Regional Organizations | Hong Kong | |
33043 | AMC | Australian Music Centre | Associations & Organizations > Arts Associations | Australia | |
33044 | SIS | Single-Instance Storage | Computing > Data Storage | Worldwide | |
33045 | PAP | Password Authentication Protocol | Computing > Protocols | Worldwide | |
33046 | AIRD | Associates for International Resources and Development | Business > Companies & Corporations | United States | |
33047 | HVAC | Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning | Technology > General | Worldwide | |
33048 | KJC | Kramer Junction Company | Business > Companies & Corporations | United States | |
33049 | TSI | Technical Specifications for Interoperability | Transport & Travel > Rail Transport | Worldwide | |
33050 | TDI | Time Delay Integration | Technology > Imaging & Printing | Worldwide | |
33051 | SSC | Swedish Space Corporation | Governmental > Firms & Organizations | Sweden | |
33052 | NCC | National Community Church | Society & Culture > Religion & Spirituality | United States | |
33053 | NCC | National Cadet Corps | Governmental > Military | India | |
33054 | ISBT | International Society of Beverage Technologists | Associations & Organizations > Business Associations | Worldwide | |
33055 | SWAT | Soil and Water Assessment Tool | Computing > Sofware & Applications | Worldwide | |
33056 | APL | Accreditation of Prior Learning | Academic & Science > Universities & Institutions | Worldwide | |
33057 | APL | Applied Physics Letters | News & Entertainment > Journals & Publications | Worldwide | |
33058 | APL | Above Poverty Line | Governmental > Census & Statistics | India | |
33059 | ISSA | Indian Academy of Social Science | Academic & Science > Universities & Institutions | India | |
33060 | ATP | Adenosine Triphosphate | Medical > Biochemistry | Worldwide | |
33061 | SLC | Sarah Lawrence College | Academic & Science > Universities & Institutions | United States | |
33062 | TLC | Thin-Layer Chromatography | Academic & Science > Chemistry | Worldwide | |
33063 | FACTS | Families Acting for Community Traffic Safety | Associations & Organizations > Educational Organizations | United States | |
33064 | BJP | British Journal of Psychiatry | Medical > Psychiatry & Mental Health | United Kingdom | |
33065 | BJP | Bence Jones Proteins | Medical > Biochemistry | Worldwide | |
33066 | ALCOA | Active Living Coalition for Older Adults | Associations & Organizations > Religious Organizations | Canada | |
33067 | HAL | Home Automated Living | Business > Companies & Corporations | United States | |
33068 | CPIM | Communist Party of India (Marxist) | Governmental > Politics | India | |
33069 | ESR | Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate | Medical > Laboratory | Worldwide | |
33070 | TPA | Trade Practices Act 1974 | Governmental > Law & Legal | Australia | |
33071 | ICMP | International Congress on Mathematical Physics | Associations & Organizations > Educational Organizations | Worldwide | |
33072 | HLA | Hydraulic Launch Assist | Technology > Automotive | Worldwide | |
33073 | NC | New Castle | Regional > Towns & Cities | United States | |
33074 | BIS | Bureau of Indian Standards | Governmental > Standards | India | |
33075 | BIS | Bank for International Settlements | Business > Banking | Switzerland | |
33076 | TeST | The Simputer Trust | Associations & Organizations > Non-Profit Organizations | India | |
33077 | NSE | Nagoya Stock Exchange | Business > Stock Market | Japan | |
33078 | MD5 | Message-Digest algorithm 5 | Computing > Security | Worldwide | |
33079 | SPA | Saudi Press Agency | News & Entertainment > News & Informations | Saudi Arabia | |
33080 | APS | Australian Psychological Society | Medical > Psychiatry & Mental Health | Australia | |
33081 | IMP | International Masters Publishers | News & Entertainment > Journals & Publications | Worldwide | |
33082 | AVI | Automatic Vehicle Identification | Technology > Automotive | Worldwide | |
33083 | ICAO | International Civil Aviation Organization | Governmental > Departments & Agencies | United Nations | |
33084 | TC | Transport Canada | Governmental > Departments & Agencies | Canada | |
33085 | NABH | National Accreditation Board for Hospitals and Healthcare Providers | Medical > Hospitals | India | |
33086 | EDH | Extra Dural Haematoma | Medical > Diseases & Conditions | Worldwide | |
33087 | ASP | Application Service Provider | Technology > Internet | Worldwide | |
33088 | PUC | Pollution Under Control | Governmental > Rules & Regulations | India | |
33089 | MCA | Museum of Contemporary Art | Regional > Buildings & Landmarks | United States | |
33090 | TGT | Tennessee Gas Transmission | Business > Companies & Corporations | United States | |
33091 | SAIL | Stanford Artificial Intelligence Laboratory | Academic & Science > Research & Development | United States | |
33092 | ITC | Imperial Tobacco Company | Business > Companies & Corporations | India | |
33093 | EST | Energy Saving Trust | Associations & Organizations > Non-Profit Organizations | United Kingdom | |
33094 | NH | National Highway | Transport & Travel > Land Transport | Australia | |
33095 | CAO | Chief Administrative Officer | Governmental > Titles | Worldwide | |
33096 | ACC | Atlantic Coast Conference | Associations & Organizations > Sports & Recreation Organizations | United States | |
33097 | ACC | Air Combat Command | Governmental > Security & Defence | United States | |
33098 | NBS | National Bank of Slovakia | Business > Banking | Slovakia | |
33099 | IAO | International Accreditation Organization | Associations & Organizations > Educational Organizations | Worldwide | |
33100 | IMA | Institute of Mathematics and its Applications | Associations & Organizations > Educational Organizations | United Kingdom |