Tortured Justice: Using Coerced Evidence to Prosecute Terrorist Suspects by Deborah Colson, Avi Cover

Tortured Justice: Using Coerced Evidence to Prosecute Terrorist Suspects

Tortured Justice: Using Coerced Evidence to Prosecute Terrorist Suspects by Deborah Colson, Avi Cover
Publisher: Human Rights First 2008
ISBN/ASIN: 0979997526
ISBN-13: 9780979997525
Number of pages: 72
Tortured Justice finds the Bush Administration has undercut its own intended use of the military commission system at Guantanamo Bay by allowing the admission of coerced evidence. The report focuses on six Guantanamo prisoners who have alleged abuse while in custody, some of which has been documented by military investigations and detainee interrogation logs, and some of which has been publicly acknowledged by administration officials.
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