Introduction to the Theory of Black Holes by Gerard 't Hooft

Introduction to the Theory of Black Holes

Introduction to the Theory of Black Holes by Gerard 't Hooft
Publisher: Utrecht University 2009
Number of pages: 49
Contents: The Metric of Space and Time; Curved coordinates; A short introduction to General Relativity; Gravity; The Schwarzschild Solution; The Chandrasekhar Limit; Gravitational Collapse; The Reissner-Nordstrom Solution; Horizons; The Kerr and Kerr-Newman Solution; Penrose diagrams; Trapped Surfaces; The four laws of black hole dynamics; Rindler space-time; Euclidean gravity; The Unruh effect; Hawking radiation; The implication of black holes for a quantum theory of gravity; The Aechelburg-Sexl metric.
Science Astronomy Stellar Physics Astrophysics Relativity & Gravitation General Relativity

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