Hydrodynamics of Pumps by Christopher E. Brennen

Hydrodynamics of Pumps

Hydrodynamics of Pumps by Christopher E. Brennen
Publisher: Concepts ETI 1994
ISBN/ASIN: 0933283075
ISBN-13: 9780933283077
Number of pages: 293
The subject of this monograph is the fluid dynamics of liquid turbomachines, particularly pumps. Rather than attempt a general treatise on turbomachines, we shall focus attention on those special problems and design issues associated with the flow of liquid through a rotating machine. There are two characteristics of a liquid that lead to these special problems, and cause a significantly different set of concerns than would occur in, say, a gas turbine. These are the potential for cavitation and the high density of liquids that enhances the possibility of damaging unsteady flows and forces.
Engineering Mechanical Engineering Fluid Mechanics & Hydraulics

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