An elementary treatise on Fourier's series and spherical, cylindrical, and ellipsoidal harmonics by William Elwood Byerly

An elementary treatise on Fourier's series and spherical, cylindrical, and ellipsoidal harmonics

An elementary treatise on Fourier's series and spherical, cylindrical, and ellipsoidal harmonics by William Elwood Byerly
Publisher: Ginn and company 1893
ISBN/ASIN: 1116151464
Number of pages: 309
From the table of contents: Development in Trigonometric Series; Convergence of Fourier's Series; Solution of Problems in Physics by the Aid of Fourier's Integrals and Fourier's Series; Zonal Harmonics; Spherical Harmonics; Cylindrical Harmonics; Laplace's Equation in Curvilinear Coordinates. Ellipsoidal Harmonics.
Science Physics Mathematical Physics Mathematics Analysis & Calculus Harmonic Analysis

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