Synchronization and Linearity: An Algebra for Discrete Event Systems by F. Baccelli, G. Cohen, G. J. Olsder, J. Quadrat

Synchronization and Linearity: An Algebra for Discrete Event Systems

Synchronization and Linearity: An Algebra for Discrete Event Systems by F. Baccelli, G. Cohen, G. J. Olsder, J. Quadrat
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons 1993
ISBN/ASIN: 047193609X
ISBN-13: 9780471936091
Number of pages: 501
This text presents new modelling and analysis techniques for the description of discrete event dynamic systems, emphasizing timing and synchronization aspects. Created within the text is a calculus which allows the derivation of analytical tools for computing the time behavior of this type of dynamic system.
Computers & Internet Computer Science Modeling & Simulation Mathematics Probability & Statistics Stochastic Calculus

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